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Dear Life Get Well Soon By. Arpit Agrawal

Original price was: ₹125.00.Current price is: ₹105.00.


10 in stock


About the Book : Ummliked the cover page, dont you? Now read below and decide if you buy the book. Have you ever met a guy whose hobby is to dig up troubles where on earth he goes? He tried suicide, but could not die; proposed a girl, but no luck; created revolutionary software, but deceived by his boss; won a lottery, but got cheated again!!! Meet Fatso, a chubby and gruesome geek, whose half the time spends in eating and the other in wrestling the troubles of life. Will his life become better, or he will give up the ghost saying Dear life, get well soon? His wild and witty anecdotes will strike a chord in your heart and remind you when you were at high school; when a guy discovers the power of hair gel and deodorant, and a girl enters a beauty parlor for the first time. It will then take you to college-life; the preeminent instance of human existence. Subsequent the corporate life, where laughing at your bosss lame jokes will be the solitary purpose of life. You may find this book in the rack of fiction, but the lessons it deals are not factitious at all. A pure-veg, hilarious book which you can read with your family members around. About the Author : Arpit is currently working with Accenture, Pune as a Senior Programmer. Graduated from RCET Bhilai (CG) in Mechanical Engineering and completed his schooling from CCHSS, Baikunth. Although Dear life-Get well soon is his debut novel, he has written columns and articles for various newspaper and magazines. In short, Arpit is just another Mechanical Engg,who joined an IT firm and then became an author, not a great deal though, but beware, his writing can touch your heart any time.



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