The main aim of this book is to furnish readers with up-to-date and comprehensive information on a wide range of topics related to 'Plant Biosecurity and Biosafety'. This book was created to address the need for a thorough and detailed resource on the subject. The book covers essential aspects of Plant Biosecurity and Biosafety and is divided into sixteen chapters that encompass all of the most recent developments and information.
The book chapters include: Introduction; Invasive Alien Species; Biowarfare, Bioterrorism, and Bioethics; Early Warning and Forecasting System; Emerging Resurgence of Pests and Diseases; National Regulatory Mechanism and International Agreements Conventions; International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures; Pest Risk Analysis, Risk Management Models, and Pest Information System; Global Positioning System and Geographic Information System for Plant Biosecurity; Pest, Disease, and Epidemic Management; Agroterrorism and Biosecurity; Mitigation Planning and Integrated Approach for Biosecurity; Biosafety, History, Policies, and Regulatory Mechanism; Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and Its Implications; Issues related to the Genetically Modified Crops; Operational Biosafety Practices and Procedures. Additionally, a Glossary of terms is included to provide a list of frequently used terms in Plant Biosecurity and Biosafety. This book contents, which reflect a thorough literature search, will be particularly useful for students, teaching and research faculty, and extension personnel in Agricultural and Horticultural Universities, State Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Sericulture & Fisheries, Plant Protection Organizations, Plant Quarantine Units, Administrators & Policy makers, and all those who are interested and concerned with plant biosecurity and biosafety. |

author | N.G. Ravichandra |
publisher | nipa |
language | english |
pages | 742 |