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Economic Zoology

Original price was: ₹1,995.00.Current price is: ₹1,496.00.

Economic Zoology deals with the application of zoological knowledge for the benefit of mankind. It is a specialized branch of zoology which deals with the animal world that is associated with the economy, health and welfare of humans.

The present book Economic Zoology’ contains more than 1400 multiple choice questions on various aspects of applied zoology like fish farming, prawn farming, Aquarium keeping, pearl culture Dairy farming, Lac culture, Vermitechnology, Apiculture, Sericulture, Poultry farming etc.

The present book been specially developed keeping in mind the requirements of students,exam-aspirants and other readers with academic as well as competitions point of view.The book is especially useful for the aspirants of various competitive examinations where objective applied zoology forms an essential part of zoology forms as essential part of the examination.The main aim of the book is to present the specialized subject of applied zoology in an objective and reader -friendly manner to make the readers study and practice numerous questions on its various topics thoroughly.The book comprises a wide spectrum of question,covering all important topics which are frequently asked in various examinations.

The book will act as an efficient tool to test your knowledge of the subject and preparation of the exam.The present book is the outcome of sincere efforts made by authors since last 3 years to bring ample number of multiple-choicequestions. It will definitely provide ready reference to the students, researchers and teachers and will cover state and central civil service examinations, JRF, SRF, NET, SET and other allied examinations as well.



V B Sakhare , A D Chalak & B. Vasanthkumar








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Ravindra Nath Tagore Rachnawali - Do Bahan, (Part-50)

Original price was: ₹60.00.Current price is: ₹48.00.
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Original price was: ₹60.00.Current price is: ₹48.00.
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A5 Books Professionally Printed and Bound farman

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300gsm Cover and 90gsm Text A5 Bound Books are 148mm x 210mm (Portrait) Optional cover lamination Professionally printed and bound books Optional pre-production proof

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