Bestsellers in NIPA
Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants: Breeding and Biotechnology
(0 Reviews)
Bakery and Confectionery Technology
(0 Reviews)
Climate Change and Water Security: Impacts,Future Scenarios,Adaptations and Mitigations
(0 Reviews)
Ergonomics and Appropriate Technologies
(0 Reviews)
Fundamentals of Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Gardening
(0 Reviews)
Glimpses of Practical in Extension Education
(0 Reviews)
Illustrated Dictionary of Entomology
(0 Reviews)
Showing 1–12 of 278 results
A Classified Inventory of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Species of Indian Traditional Medicinal Systems
(0 Reviews)
A Colour Book: Laparoscopic Techniques in Small Animal Surgery
(0 Reviews)
A Colour Handbook on Fundamentals of Entomology
(0 Reviews)
A Colour Handbook on Practical Plant Pathology
(0 Reviews)
A Colour Handbook on Rainfed Kharif Crops: Protection, Constraints and Mitigation Strategies
(0 Reviews)
A Colour Handbook on Rainfed Rabi Crops: Protection,Constraints and Mitigation Strategies
(0 Reviews)
Abiotic Stress and Plant Physiology, Volume 02: Productivity
(0 Reviews)
Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants: Breeding and Biotechnology
(0 Reviews)
Acid Soils: Their Chemistry and Management
(0 Reviews)
Advanced Extension & Communication Strategies for Sustainable Livelihood Through Animal Husbandry and Allied Farming System
(0 Reviews)
Advances and Challenges in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
(0 Reviews)
Advances in Agri-Management: General Management Business Development and Innovative Practices
(0 Reviews)